wegner's blog

Library Board Meeting Agenda Draft

Spillman Public Library for Wednesday, February 24th

6:00 p.m. via Zoom**

Agenda for Library Board Meeting

 Wednesday, February 24, 2021

6:00 p.m.

Via Zoom* for  Spillman Public Library

Call to Order
Citizen Participation
Consent Agenda

Approve Minutes from Wed., Dec. 16, 2020  regular meeting (via Zoom).
Review and Approve list of bills from Nov. and Dec. 2020.

 Review and Accept

Monthly Financial Account Statement from Nov. and Dec. 2020.    
Director’s Monthly Reports for Nov. and Dec. 2020.  
Treasurer’s Report
Other Reports

Unfinished Business

 1.  COVID-19 impact on library operations/Reopening Plan—(Discussion and possible action) 

New Business


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